Supporting children with cancer and their families
We have formed a long term relationship with the Anna Schindler Foundation to support families making the journey through pediatric cancer. A portion of every sling sold will be donated to to the foundation to support children with cancer and their families.
This incredible non-profit is local to the PNW. It supports, provides private housing near the hospital, and helps defray costs for families seeking treatment for pediatric cancer at Sacred Heart Hospital, the very same hospital where I have worked as an RN for the past two years.
I have grown to be very close friends with the Schindler family and they are truly a light in their community.
The foundation not only help defray the many costs and burdens that treatment and travel places on the families; they also provide beautiful, private homes close to the hospital without time limits so the entire family can stay and support their little ones for the entire duration of treatment.
This provides a safe, homey, quarantined space that protects immune compromised kiddos and allows them to have the comfort of their family.

- Pictured is beautiful Anna, who passed away from liver cancer at 7 year old and inspired her parents to start the foundation -